Saturday, December 8, 2012

New speed tests with 6DOF code


Today I made new tests with the 6DOF code to see the response while having to receive data for 6 motors. I did tests with 8-bit data (256) and 16-bit data (65535).

I got similar response timing with my old code that was only for 2DOF. And there is almost no difference having to deal with 8-bit and 16-bit format data for each axis. The program loop speed now is 4Khz (or 4000 times per second).

New LCD layout to display all 6 axis (6DOF) 

6DOF 8-bit data (256) timing using 115kbps serial speed

6DOF 8-bit data (256) timing using 230kbps serial speed

6DOF 16-bit (65535) timing using 230kbps serial speed

As you can see in the timing captures I fixed the introduced delay that existed until the whole data packet was received. So the loop cycle timing remains constant always.


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